Secrets to Using Field Service Management Software to Improve Revenue and Employee Happiness


Your field service management software could be the key to unlocking revenue and employee happiness

Are your current software systems holding the business back? They shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, if your organization uses multiple databases on a daily basis, it could be wrecking employee morale and clogging revenue streams.

However, there are ways to use all-in-one field service management software to improve both cash flow and the quality of work for your employees. Here are some ways to do just that:

Overlooked Stresses of Multiple Software Systems

Sure, simple one-off field service management software can work fine for a basic task. However, when your organization grows or wants to make progress, things get complicated fast.

Suddenly, when you decide to add advanced functions such as in-house payroll or automated inventory control, you’re forced to take on even more programs. This approach causes several problems:

A Lack of Resources

If your team members aren’t working on a unified platform, it’s hard to bring in mobile technology that’s designed to keep them connected and productive. This may be more frustrating for employees than you realize. According to an Ultimate Software study, 92 percent of employees say having the technology to do their job efficiently affects their satisfaction.

Added Stress

With every extra login, double entry, and frustrated customer, employees suffer. That hurts morale and productivity. According to the Workplace Outcome Suite (WOS) Annual Report 2018, when employees lose concentration from things like mental health, wellbeing issues, and stress, it ends up costing companies eight days of productivity every month.

Inventory Confusion

If your team doesn’t know what parts are available and when, it leads to mistakes and frustration. Think of how many jobs are delayed because a part isn’t in stock. All-in-one software clears this chaos and organizes your inventory. It lets you automatically replenish your inventory and lets employees see stock levels in real time. That means they aren’t left worrying about the consequences of the unknown.

Missing Efficiency

Your employees may not be complaining now, but chances are that they don’t enjoy logging into multiple accounts for different tasks. At the same time, this way of doing business just isn’t as efficient, and it drives a wedge between departments.

How Field Service Management Software Increases Happiness Across Departments

When you use field service management software the right way, it should increase happiness across departments. Here’s how a powerful, all-in-one program can improve the life of every team member:

Office Workers

If you’ve picked out the right field service management software, it should be organizing work in the office and increasing efficiency in several areas, including:

  • More transparency: Because you can receive real-time status updates from techs out in the field, office workers don’t have to spend the day making calls or checking in.

  • Smooth job management: Rather than someone having to enter warranty jobs that they receive via email manually, jobs flow directly through the software.

  • Fewer hours searching: Office workers don’t waste time searching for documents or filling out spreadsheets.

  • Fewer mistakes: Automated systems reduce mistakes that come from a lack of communication or oversight.


Field Techs

For field techs, field service management software should improve efficiency and make daily tasks easier. Here are some key advantages to seek out in software:

  • More information: With advanced software, field techs will have more accurate information going into a job, and they can stay connected with the latest mobile resources. The result? They’re able to diagnose and finish jobs faster.

  • More preparation: Because field techs can access on-site resources with all-in-one software and go into jobs knowing more, they have higher first-time fix rates. That means they feel more satisfied with a job well done, don’t have angry customers, and spend less time driving back and forth.


Leaders and Managers

For managers and company leaders, all-in-one software should organize processes, but it should also make it possible to accomplish goals. Here are some key advantages to tap into:

  • Track KPIs: Advanced all-in-one software systems don’t just improve outcomes. They make it easier to set up and track key performance indicators (KPIs). That means the business is constantly growing, improving, and increasing profit.

  • Simplify processes: Simply put, having one platform for everything is just easier. When employees work more efficiently, they’ll be more satisfied. Overall, that makes for a more pleasant work environment for everyone.

  • Spend more time with people: All-in-one platforms don’t just cut out extra logins, mistakes, and entry tasks. They also eliminate all the training and organizing that comes with each one-off system. That means leaders can stop managing processes and start managing people.


Use Field Service Management Software to Improve Customer Happiness

Employees aren’t the only ones who should benefit from software. Here’s how all-in-one field service management software can improve customer happiness as well:

  • Fewer invoicing errors: When financial processes are automated and in one place, customers don’t have to worry about the awkward, frustrating consequences of invoicing errors.

  • Peace of mind: When customers see streamlined communication and clear processes, they feel reassured that their needs won’t be overlooked.

  • Fewer frustrating holdups: When businesses have better inventory control and swifter communication, customers experience fewer job interruptions, no-shows, and delays.


What All-in-One Software Means for Revenue

What does all-in-one software mean for your business’s bottom line? Here are a few ways the right system can increase your revenue:

  • Your online reputation grows: As customers experience fewer delays and better outcomes, it boosts the business on two fronts. First, it increases repeat business. Second, satisfied customers leave more positive online reviews—giving your organization an added dose of free positive marketing.

  • You have more time for improvement: 50 percent of organizations rank a technician’s soft skills training as their top or second priority. Because software cuts out mundane processes, workers have more time to focus on customer service training.

  • Your teams are more productive: From cutting down callbacks and more efficient scheduling to eliminating the time drain of tracking down documents, your teams are simply more productive with all-in-one software. That productivity shows up in higher profit.


How to Benefit from All-in-One Software

The right all-in-one field service management software will improve the lives of customers and employees. Even so, it should fit into your business’s goals and address the needs of your specific industry.

Ready to see exactly how all-in-one software fits your business? Schedule a demo today and find out.