The Benefits of Going Paperless in Your Field Service Office


The instant benefits of transitioning into a paperless business go beyond just environmental impact. Going paperless can save you time, money, reduce clutter, speed up your billing process and more!

In a recent survey by Xerox, it was discovered that “more than 80% of small/mid-size businesses want to cut paper out of the way they invoice, report financials, manage legal and human resource forms, and handle all other time-consuming processes”. 

Would you consider yourself part of that 80%? Well, take a moment to look around your desk and/or office. Do you see dozens of important papers scattered around? If so, here are just a few of the many reasons to pursue paperless office solutions. 

1. Reduce Your Daily Amount of Mail

Sorting through stacks of mail is time-consuming. Especially when you have to either throw it away, shred it, or file it once you're done. Why not do yourself a favor and reduce the amount of mail you get in the first place?

You can begin by sorting through what companies you're receiving mail from and opt out of being sent paper copies.  Most businesses give you the option to receive information such as, bills, invoices and bank statements via email or through an online account. By having these statements available online, you no longer need to worry about it potentially being intercepted or accidentally misplacing anything.


2. Clean Out the Clutter

It’s always a good idea to go through every document you have to see if it is valuable or just spam mail. When your business chooses to go paperless, you can alleviate a good amount of the disorganization and chaos that come with paper files.

Start to convert your paper documents into digital files by scanning them into your company database. Once they are all digital files, they take up less room than those huge filing cabinets that you occasionally stub your toe on from time to time. You can now begin to free up your floorspace by making all your digital records available at your fingertips. You can even make the decision to incorporate mobile forms. You will have the benefit of real-time data capture, improve productivity and according to Device Magic, “reduce return trips due to incomplete data and forms by 50%”. Wouldn’t that be nice?

3. Access Documents with Ease

Without a digital process in place, you’ll find yourself continuously going through the motions of filling out forms, processing, tracking, and eventually storing them. Routines like this begin to slow down your business as an average workday becomes less efficient. For example, asked when a customer's invoice is due if you need to look through several boxes of crumpled up documents in order to find the one you need, now is the perfect time to implement a paperless filing system. According to the article The Paper Monster vs. The Paperless Office, the typical employee spends 30-40% of their time looking for information locked in email and filing cabinets. Rather than continuously shoving loose paper into a folder, chose to scan these documents or store them electronically. Going paperless will not only help locate customer information, but it will overall translate to a better experience both parties.

4. Pass the Information on to Your Employees/ Co-workers

Sharing this newfound knowledge with the rest of your team is the starting point for this transition to becoming a more efficient business. However, when everything is scribbled out on notecards, transferring knowledge can be difficult.

Using digital collaboration tools not only reduces paper in the office, but they can make it easier to share knowledge and circulate information. This can improve teamwork, encourage innovation, and prevent knowledge hoarding. Online tools allow employees to share documents, folders, and projects using an efficient system. Employees can collaborate in the cloud instead of waiting for co-workers to physically hand them paper files.

5. Deliver Invoices Quicker, get Payment Faster

There is far too much room for error when using paper invoices. There are far too many inefficiencies associated with using paper invoices. By sending invoices electronically you can get paid faster than ever! The more you can streamline your business, the more likely you are to collect the benefits of your hard work. Reducing paper consumption will also decrease the overall dependency your business has on natural resources. However, keep in mind that not all of your customers will enjoy invoicing online. Offer an option that allows customers to opt out of electronic invoicing if they'd prefer.

Looking to go paperless? Davisware provides comprehensive software solutions built specifically to improve efficiency, streamline operations, and boost revenue. Making us your primary destination for a true all-in-one field service management provider.

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