Inventory Management | Davisware

Boosting Field Tech Productivity with RFS+


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How to boost your field techs’ productivity with our field service mobile app

Efficiency, Plus So Much More 

It’s a domino effect.  

First, your field technician falls behind because they don’t have the info they need.  

Then, they call the office to get the right paperwork. Now the office is behind.  

Now, because the office was busy digging up the work order, they missed rerouting a delivery driver, jeopardizing the whole schedule.  

On and on down the line it goes. One missed connection leads to another. Without even realizing it, your business lost out on potential profits and failed to service customers as quickly as it could’ve.  

This may seem like a lot of issues to solve. But really, if you can stop that first domino from falling, the entire operation can run at maximum efficiency.    

That’s where Davisware’s RemoteField Service+ (RFS+) mobile app comes in.  

RFS+ gives field techs the tools they need to get the job done the right way, right away. Easy-to-use and 100% contactless, RFS+ field service app eliminates paperwork, increases productivity, and connects the field to your office no matter where the job takes them.  

Benefits of Davisware’s RemoteField Service+ Mobile App

More Efficient  

The data speaks for itself. RFS+ users can increase tech productivity by up to 85%. With the power to access every job in the palm of their hand, field techs don’t get slowed down by small barriers. And RFS+ doesn’t just make the field tech more efficient. It makes the office more efficient as well.  

RFS+ is designed to work with our GlobalEdge and Vision platforms so you can easily pass information back and forth between the mobile app and software. That means the office can review real-time call status updates, live tech locations, and more without leaving their field service management platform.  From job start to job completion, RFS+ is there for you.  

More Effective  

The best field service calls are the ones that are done right the first time. RFS+ is proven to boost first-time fix rates up to 80%, which helps lead to higher customer satisfaction. Even when field techs are out of internet range, RFS+ enables them to access important information so they can keep working uninterrupted.  

RFS+ is chock-full of features that empower field techs to do their best work, including:  

  • View daily schedules 
  • Review customer histories 
  • Examine equipment details 
  • Send customer notifications 
  • Take pictures and videos
  • Make calls 
  • Analyze inventory on trucks and in warehouses 
  • Run credit cards 
  • Update call statuses 
  • Create purchase orders  

More Economical  

At the end of the day, being more efficient and more effective all leads to one thing: a better bottom line. RFS+ has been shown to improve quote conversions by up to 45%. When you complete more jobs in less time, your profitability increases.  

But that’s not the only way RFS+ can improve your balance sheet. RFS+ allows you to follow techs via GPS in real-time so you can save on high-cost hardwired tracking devices. More money in your pocket to continue to grow your business.

Stay connected with your team  

Utilizing a mobile app gives the option of communication with your field technicians, ensuring connectivity even during remote work scenarios. This makes the exchange of real-time feedback and job status updates easier, providing you with insights into their ongoing tasks and progress. The mobile app streamlines job management for technicians in the field, allowing them to access calendars, job sheets, digital documents, complete forms and questionnaires, and effortlessly send invoices directly from their mobile devices.

From top to bottom, Davisware’s RFS+ mobile app can make your business run more efficiently, effectively, and economically. If you’re ready to put your field techs in a position to succeed, give us a call at 847-426-6000 or schedule a demo today.