5 Field Service Management Books You Should Be Reading


Regardless of what level of experience you may have, to be an effective novice in the field service industry means keeping up with your education and continuously searching for approaches to hone your abilities so you are prepared for whatever obstacles you could creep into your general working vicinity.

A great way to always be updated on the newest trends and tricks is to always have a book within reach for any downtime you could have. Below, we have listed a handful of great books that will benefit your everyday performance and open your eyes to new techniques!

1. 42 Rules for Superior Field Service: The Keys to Profitable Field Service and Customer Loyalty

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(picture taken from Amazon)

Published in 2013, 42 Rules for Superior Field Service has become THE required reading book for field service professionals in the home service industry. This is a great book to begin your journey into field service how-to novels.  The authors, Coates and Reily do an outstanding job with providing these essential rules to both benchmark and develop any field service business.

In this book you will learn:

  • How to develop a profitable field service strategy and organization
  • How to survey customers and drive improvement in field service operations
  • The impact of poor field service on the bottom line
  • …and much more”

To purchase this book click here!

2.  The Service Culture Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Employees Obsessed with Customer Service


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 This book provides a step-by-step guide to changing your company’s culture from inward-driven to one that is completely customer-focused. Like the title suggests, it’s about fostering a workplace where every employee is obsessed with delivering the best service possible at all times.

To purchase this book, click here!


3. Products and Services to Consumers in Their Home 


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In this book, written by Kim Booker and Chip Doyle the reader see's how not every service technician is comfortable with being a salesperson, but there are principles and strategies anyone can learn to sharpen their pitch and better connect with customers. This is a great book to give to your team as required reading. Mainly because, it is for techs of any skill level who want to refresh their customer service strategy and brush up on their sales skills!

To buy this book, click here!


4. Transforming Field and Service Operations: Methodologies for Successful Technology-Driven Business Transformation


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The trades have changed quite a bit over the years and a lot of that change has been driven by new technologies. Transforming Field and Service Operations is a comprehensive textbook edited by Gilbert Owusu, Paul O'Brien, John McCall, & Neil F. Doherty that examines “how to successfully transform field service operations with automated technologies. It is aimed at managers... and the use of advanced computing technologies in this area in particular.”

To buy this book, click here!

5. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement


(picture taken from Amazon)

By: Eliyahu M. Goldratt

Written like a thriller novel, The Goal has become recommended reading for managers across various industries looking to improve their organization. The story follows a factory manager as he's faced with a number of significant—and potentially dangerous—inefficiencies, offering insight on how to approach organizational issues and find more efficient, money-saving ways to get things done.

According to Amazon, this book "contains a serious message for all managers in industry and explains the ideas, which underline the Theory of Constraints (TOC), developed by Eli Goldratt." 

To buy this book, click here!

So what are you waiting for? Summer is here, if you have an upcoming vacation or trip grab a copy of one of these impactful books listed above and improve your management skills, today!

To learn more tips on how you can benefit your business, click here!

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