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4 Pitfalls to Avoid When Implementing Field Service Software


Avoid these pitfalls when implementing field service software

We’ve seen it time and time again: A company spends hours picking out field service software only to trip up on the same obstacles when it comes time to use it.

Field service software can help businesses succeed and simplify their processes. In fact, businesses that use fleet and field service management software have a 10-30 percent increase in productivity than those that don't. But if it isn’t implemented right, you could be stuck with expensive software that’s not helping your business reach its full potential.

Luckily, you can learn from others’ mistakes. Don't fall victim to these pitfalls when it comes time to implement your field service software.

Not Budgeting Time for Field Service Software Training

Here’s a frustrating situation that comes up a lot: You pored over research, spent the money, and installed software. However, you don’t have a roll-out plan or project manager to help lead software implementation. When you get busy with work and life, it’s only natural to ignore the new system altogether and go back to doing business the way you’ve always done it.

Unfortunately, now nobody knows how to use the software.

What happens next? You or your employees get frustrated and give up. That’s a waste of time and money. In fact, some estimates suggest installation, training, maintenance, and upgrades make up 40-60 percent of a software system’s total cost.

Even if your team powers ahead without training, it could lead to deeper problems. For instance, if employees are entering info in the wrong place or making tweaks without understanding what they’re doing, your team will miss out on key functions that are built to help your business. Essentially, you won’t be taking full advantage of software, and the whole business is held back.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution: Set aside time for training right away. Carving out time up front will help you understand how to get the most out of training and will pay dividends in the long run.

Leaving Staff Out of the Loop

The beauty of an all-in-one field service software system is that it benefits the whole team. Unfortunately, if staff members are left out of the loop, it can turn into confusion, internal conflicts, and missed opportunities.

There are plenty of opportunities that come with software. According to McKinsey, companies can increase their productivity by 10-30 percent by automating and digitizing their processes. However, if the team isn’t on the same page, those gains could be completely bypassed.

So how can you make sure you don’t leave employees or departments out of the loop? Consider designating leaders to champion the software in different departments. That way, you spread out the responsibility and get teams going in the same direction.

Not Making Software Use a Habit

Software is like most things in life. You get out what you put in, which means it needs to become part of the routine if you want to see lasting effects.

Too often, employers will assume the system will do all the work. Sure, it will make life easier, but it takes a routine to create real progress. If staff aren’t used to consistently using software and learning new things, they’ll be hesitant to use it to the fullest, which means your business could miss out on advanced features, or employees may avoid using the system altogether.

Instead, after employees get training, make sure it becomes part of their daily routine. Encourage daily tasks and check in on their progress. As workers get more comfortable with the software and see the benefits, they’ll start catching on to advanced features like it’s second nature.

Learn more about how technology can streamline business processes in the office  as well as the field >>

Settling for Subpar Training

With so much that goes into picking the right software, it’s easy to let up when it comes to training. However, if training is incomplete or simply doesn’t sink in, users are going to give up on the software.

What’s left? You’re stuck with powerful technology that your team doesn’t fully know how to use. What’s worse, your employees could be left with on-the-job frustration, which easily leaks into a negative customer experience when a worker is left fumbling through software that’s unfamiliar.

The cost is undeniable. Poor customer service costs businesses an estimated $75 billion per year.

The bottom line? Excellent training should go hand in hand with excellent software.

How to Avoid Field Service Software Pitfalls

These pitfalls are more than a nuisance. They can completely stop your team’s progress. Luckily, there are ways to avoid software setbacks from the outset.

First, before signing up for software, make sure your provider is willing to be a partner. When you’re working with a new system, it makes a world of difference to have an expert who will work with you on a one-on-one basis.

At the same time, you can avoid many mishaps by bypassing one-and-done solutions. If the software provider is hands-off, you’ll be left to face inevitable setbacks alone.

Instead, you can save headaches right away by choosing a provider that offers thorough training. Training empowers workers and frees them up for better customer experience outcomes. At the same time, be sure to designate responsible points of contact within your own team. With that, you should be well on your way to a smooth field service software experience.

Want to learn more about how to find the right software solution for your business? Contact us today.