How Field Technicians Can Influence Customer Experiences


Providing positive experiences for customers can drastically affect the development of any business. Therefore, hiring great field technicians to support and greet your customers is critical. These field techs are up close and personal with clients the most. Which begs the question, how can your field technicians provide a great customer experience?

In the field service industry, productive staff, operational efficiency, and management are interconnected. When you have an employee entering a residence and/or company to provide service, you want to make sure you are leaving those customers in the best hands. A businesses ability to satisfy and keep up its customer base serves as a sign of how well they will serve all their future clients. Therefore, if you are sending techs out that are not personable and seem to have little to no interest in the customer’s questions or concerns, you will soon see your customer base shrink. Take a moment to reflect on your customers, are they 100% satisfied with the services provided by your team? If not, here's how to improve that partnership.

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Educate your technicians on your company’s client goals. When you send out a field tech to provide service for a customer, they then become the face of your company. All your employees such as techs, sales reps, and staff should be educated on the history of a client before showing up to perform any type of task. This should linger in your mind when hiring new employees and training current ones. You should be confident that your employees are always presenting themselves in a professional manner. When educating your team about the company’s culture, explain how the experience your customer has with their technician can mold their opinion and impact how they rate the company overall.

It’s no secret that the longer you’ve been serving a client, the more credibility you build and the more you learn about that client’s needs and preferences. With the software Davisware provides, we make it possible to be well-rounded in the history of a client by giving techs tools to reference notes from previous jobs. They are also able so to see which services the customer may have needed in the past so they can fit in all the missing pieces and be able to solve the issue quickly and effectively. By having access to equipment and job site history at your fingertips, you can also provide value to the customer especially if you notice a trend in service calls for the equipment, identify installation dates, and are able to provide options for servicing the equipment or replacement. Now, with all those perks, how can your customers not love you!

It is also important to inform technicians that you want the same company culture you practice in the office, to be portrayed out in the field as well. The more transparency there is between your home services technicians and your clients, the more likely they will be to have a comfortable, positive experience with your company and become a returning customer. This creates an environment in which both parties are more likely, to be honest and openly collaborate towards common goals. This way, any representative that enters a clients home or answers a phone call will dependably put his or her best foot forward for your business.

By practicing these methods, you will soon have those outstanding clients spreading the word about the positive experiences they always have with your employees, creating a larger client base for your company. A strong bond with customers helps ensure business in the future and paves the way for success!

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