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How is Mobility in the HVAC Industry Linked to “Continuity of Care”?


Simply put, “continuity of care”  is the quality of care over time. It has traditionally been associated with the medical industry but is becoming more and more important in other industries, one of them being the field service industry. Your business’s quality of care should reflect a seamless service through integration, coordination, and the sharing of information between each person and/or department. This blog post will demonstrate how mobility in the field will improve your “continuity of care” in your HVAC business.

Mobility & Continuity of Care
Mobility is directly linked to “continuity of care” because in order to achieve that continuity, you need to have access to the tools and information you may need while you’re out on the job. Having technology in the field allows techs to give the customer what they need in real-time— No more delaying a job for a week because you need to go back to the office to get an answer to a customer’s inquiry.

A few years back, the biggest benefit to introducing mobility in the field was going paperless. Nowadays it also helps make your business look more professional, organized, and ready for any obstacle. When you need to make a note about something while on the job, what looks more professional, pulling out a tablet or pulling out a pen and paper? A pen and paper looks unprofessional but it’s also very inefficient. That piece of paper could get lost before you even get back to the office, or your handwriting could be illegible. If the customer service rep at the office can’t make out your tech’s chicken scratch, they’re going to miss out on the opportunity of “continuity of care”. They won’t be able to treat the customer with the same amount of care as the tech if they are missing important information. But if all your notes are on your tablet, it’s impossible for them to get lost and they’ll always be legible!

Software for Your Mobile Devices
The missing peice to this puzzle is software. Now that you’ve decided to implement the use of mobile devices, how will you keep all your notes and information organized? This is where Wintac comes into play. Wintac is an all-in-one solution allowing you to run your entire business on just one program. Some of Wintac’s features include:

  • Scheduling, dispatching, work order management
  • Equipment installation and service tracking
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Dashboard view: to-do list
  • Visual job costing
  • And much more! Vistit Wintac for more information!

Already running Wintac in the office, but want to add remote access and mobile computing? Give our office a call at 800-724-7899 and we’ll get you set up today!

Field service tasks require a lot of manual work, but that doesn’t mean that collecting data, communicating, and customer care should be handled manually; it’s time to let technology do its part and make your job easier. Not only will you have a more professional and efficiently run business, but you will also be able to achieve continuity of care with ease, keeping your customers coming back for more.